Two finger rings and gold teeth and ain't afraid to blog heat
Feb 18, 2010
Throwback Thursdays
Of today's Throwback, I once said that I would never feature this video. But this morning changed all of that. You see, I was driving to work like I've done a thousand times before- and bumping this tune in the car as I have millions of times before, but something was different. While heading up a main road thinly coated with black ice- a White van darted all the way out into my lane to make a left and then stopped abruptly. I had no time to think. Only react. I pumped the brakes repeatedly while simultaneously swerving into the other lane of oncoming traffic. Luckily the cars coming my way were far away enough to avoid my skidding vehicle. I swerved back into my rightful lane and watched the driver continue his asinine turn from my rearview mirror. I missed two crashes by mere inches. Heart between my ears, car unscratched. Faith intact. 93 Til Infinity still drifted melodically from my speakers. As I went about my day, it dawned on me how much this song has played an integral role in my life. Seventeen years ago- Souls of Mischief quietly came on the scene and caused a ruckus. Part of Oakland's Hieroglyphics camp, they were the West Coast equivalent to the East's Native Tongues collective. They shattered every preconceived notion I had about rappers from Cali. They didn't employ G-Funk basslines or super violent lyrics. They were just some laid back cats who rhymed effortlessly over jazzy interpolations. To say that 93 til is a classic is a severe understatement. It can fittingly be placed as one of the crowning jewels of Hip-Hop's Golden Era. My brotha-from-anotha once took a look at my music collection and said, "Yo Jayne, you are like- musically frozen in 1993." You won't get any argument from me there. I hold that time very close to me. I was young. I had dreams. I had an ear for uncommon goods; and that year in particular is laden with them. This song will forever be with me. It's almost twenty years since it's release and it has lost none of its luster. It carried me calmly to work today after a very nerve frying instance, resolutely mindful of what I love about Hip-Hop and life itself. I'm here. I hear. I can't ask for much more than that.
I came up in the Golden Era. Hip Hop raised me. There's nothing humble about my opinion. It's mine. If it's wack, I'll say so. And when it's Classic Material or on point, chances are you'll find it on here. Let's see if you know the ledge...
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